Service And Style: How the American Department Store Fashioned the Middle Class артикул 11601c.
Service And Style: How the American Department Store Fashioned the Middle Class артикул 11601c.

In the early part of the twentieth century, department stores peddled everything from dresses to kitchen appliances From the 1920s to the 1960s, they took on a new role as the ultimate arbiters of taste, showing a growing middle class the goods they needed to move up the social ladder In Service and Style, Jan Whitaker gives readers a historical tour оеыги through these wonders of the retail world looking at their early forms, how they grew and what theyve become today She looks at specific stores like Jordan Marsh, John Wanamakers, Macys, A&S and Gimbels She looks at the post WWII boom and the developing catalogue business attached to certain retailers like Sears and Roebuck Filled with a great deal of nostalgia for days gone by, Service and Style is also an important cultural history Besides making many of us think back to the first time we saw the Marshall Fields Christmas tree or John Wanamakers Dancing Waters display, Whitaker reminds us what a vital part the department store has played in the history of American business and the life of the American family.  Pass   57.1   Bett   Bett2006 г Твердый переплет, 342 стр ISBN 0312326351.

Nonprofit Essentials: Managing Technology артикул 11603c.
Nonprofit Essentials: Managing Technology артикул 11603c.

"Nonprofit Essentials: Managing Technology is a comprehensive work Suitable for any size organization, the book is distinguished by its focus on 'the human factor' along with volumes of technology information It should prove to be an invaluable resource for administrators, volunteers, and trustees who must ensure their organization's оеыгм effective use of technology " Richard F Hobson, President Hobson Renaissance Solutions LLC.  отде   Шуре   Your   Skag2006 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0471738387.

Парень в темных очках артикул 11605c.
Парень в темных очках артикул 11605c.

От издателя Судья приговорил бандита к смертной казни через повешение Его брат Дилавар Сингх (Дэнни Дензогпа) решил отомстить судье и уничтожил всю его семью В живых остался оеыгу лишь Каран (Аджай Девган), сын шофера друга отца Он поклялся не снимать темных очков, пока не расправится с убийцей Актеры Аджай Девган Ajay Devgan Vishal Devgan Таббу Tabu.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: Арена Русский На языке оригинала Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1994 г , 165 мин , Индия Bollywood Option Художественный кинофильм.

The Disney Song Encyclopedia артикул 11607c.
The Disney Song Encyclopedia артикул 11607c.

This book describes and discusses over 900 of the most famous and not-so-famous songs from Disney films, television, Broadway, and theme parks from the 1930s to the present day, and does so in great detail to determine exactly what it is that makes them so memorable It includes a glossary of song terms, a list of all the Disney songs and their sources, оеыдг a songwriter's directory in which every song by each composer/lyricist is listed, a bibliography, a guide to recordings and DVDs of Disney productions, and an index of people and titles.  Mari   Stop   Yves   Mexo2009 г Твердый переплет, 400 стр ISBN 0810869373.

Justified Deception артикул 11609c.
Justified Deception артикул 11609c.

In late 1940 and early 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt was told by his military advisors that Japan intended to expand her empire in the Far East He knew that if Japan were to seize the resources of the Indies and Malaysia she would become so strong that she would then try to overrun the entire Pacific Roosevelt knew the United States was totally unprepared оеыдй for war and although Congress had voted funds for the enlargement of the Navy, when it was believed Great Britain might sue for peace with Hitler and the British Navy would no longer protect the Atlantic, they refused to vote funds for the Army and the Air Corps The President knew he would have to get into a shooting war before Congress would rearm the nation With the help of Prime Minister Churchill of Great Britain and some others, he came up with a plan of deception that would lure the Japanese into believing the American Fleet would intervene if Japan moved against British and Dutch possessions Japan would never allow this to happen, he believed she would launch a sneak attack on the Fleet based at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii The events described in this book could have taken place It didn't happen, but it could have.  Mois   Terr   Robe   Drea2009 г Мягкая обложка, 628 стр ISBN 1425186793.

Lina WertmA?ller: Un rire noir chaussA© de lunettes blanches артикул 11611c.
Lina WertmA?ller: Un rire noir chaussA© de lunettes blanches артикул 11611c.

Une histoire qui commence au XIXe siecle, avec un ancetre tout droit sorti d’un roman de cape et d’epee, puis le destin de Lina Wertmuller, l’enfant rebelle, s’amorce entre les deux guerres et annonce une vie d’artiste engagee, d’iconoclaste fascinante, a l’image d’une ?uvre deroutante… Au fil d’anecdotes savoureuses, оеыдм de revelations intimes, de temoignages passionnes, toute une epoque reprend vie Fellini, le mentor adore, renait… Avec son langage cru, son irresistible humour, Lina met bas les masques et sa voix domine le concert discordant des critiques qui dissequent son ?uvre, ou satire et grotesque s’allient pour bousculer les ames delicates Il est alors longuement question de politique des sexes, de machisme, de feminisme, de desordre, d’inegalites sociales, de surpopulation, d’amour… Mais ce qui frappe chez l’auteure controversee, c’est sa determination courageuse, son indefectible humanisme, sa fragilite qui s’expriment par-dela son irreverence audacieuse, son eclectisme provocateur, ses paradoxes en rafales, apres qu’elle eut pulverise le tout dans les formidables eclats de son rire noir Depuis plus d’un demi-siecle, Lina « amuseuse du show business » se donne a tous les genres sans appartenir a aucun Premiere femme en nomination aux Oscars en 1976, meilleure que n’importe quel realisateur aux yeux de Henry Miller qui la celebrait autant pour sa franchise que pour son talent, l’octogenaire demeure une dramaturge a succes et tourne encore, mais jamais en rond In this critical biography, we discover a daredevil aerialist whose work on stage and screen has generated passionate controversies Lina Wertmuller, the first woman to be nominated for an Oscar, is, according to Henry Miller, a better filmmaker than any male director She speaks her mind with forthrightness, using the language of the lower classes to explore sexual politics, to praise “man in disorder” and to denounce threats to individual freedom A fascinating journey with a multitalented artist who takes humanity very seriously while laughing at herself.  Barb   Maxt   stop   Cano2009 г Мягкая обложка, 500 стр ISBN 142512755X.

Worlds of Work: Building an International Sociology of Work (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry) артикул 11613c.
Worlds of Work: Building an International Sociology of Work (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry) артикул 11613c.

The advent of transnational economic production and market integration compels sociologists of work to look beyond traditional national boundaries and build an international sociology of work in order to effectively address the human, scientific, and practical challenges posed by global economic transnationalism The purpose of this volume оеыду is to promote transnational dialogue about the sociology of work and help build a truly international discipline in this field.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280ISBN 0306466058.

No Excess Baggage: A world tour on two wheels - no motor but lots of steam артикул 11615c.
No Excess Baggage: A world tour on two wheels - no motor but lots of steam артикул 11615c.

At age 20, Donna Wolfe followed her new husband on a two-year, round-the-world bicycle tour to produce what she hoped would be a chatty adventure/food memoir, incorporating recipes for whatever was edible or available above the Arctic Circle or in a war zone But what emerges is a tale of mismatched travel partners as her original and at times hilarious оеыдэ coming-of-age story plays out in 19 countries from London to Sumatra, and a hundred states of mind.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   Robe2009 г Мягкая обложка, 124 стр ISBN 1425186009.

Economics of Overtime Working артикул 11617c.
Economics of Overtime Working артикул 11617c.

Numerous individuals throughout international labor markets work hours in excess of their standard contractual hours Robert Hart presents the first comprehensive economic evaluation of this phenomenon, examining theoretical, empirical and policy aspectsof overtime hours and pay He utilizes detailed international evidence drawn from оеыег the U S , Western Europe and Japan in his comparative assessment of labor supply and demand and compensating differential models of overtime behavior.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarISBN 0521801427.

Echo Objects: The Cognitive Work of Images артикул 11619c.
Echo Objects: The Cognitive Work of Images артикул 11619c.

Barbara Maria Stafford is at the forefront of a growing movement that calls for the humanities to confront the brain’s material realities In Echo Objects, she argues that humanists should seize upon the exciting neuroscientific discoveries that are illuminating the underpinnings of cultural objects In turn, she contends, brain scientists оеыей could enrich their investigations of mental activity by incorporating phenomenological considerations—particularly the intricate ways that images focus intentional behavior and allow us to feel thought As a result, Echo Objects is a stunningly broad exploration of how complex images—or patterns that compress space and time—make visible the invisible ordering of human consciousness Stafford demonstrates, for example, how the compound formats of emblems, symbols, collage, and electronic media reveal the brain’s grappling to construct mental objects that are redoubled by prior associations In contrast, she shows that findings in evolutionary biology and the neurosciences are providing profound opportunities for understanding aesthetic conundrums such as the human urge to imitate and the role of narrative and nonnarrative representation Ultimately, she makes an impassioned plea for a common purpose—for the acknowledgement that, at the most basic level, these separate projects belong to a single investigation “Heroic The larger message of Stafford’s intense, propulsive prose is unassailable If we are to get much further in the great puzzle of ‘binding’—how the perception of an image, the will to act on intention, or the forging of consciousness is assembled from the tens of thousands of neurons firing at any one moment in time—then there needs to be action on all fronts ”—Science.  Geni   Wind   Alex   Барк2009 г Мягкая обложка, 302 стр ISBN 0226770524.

Labor Relations, 11th Edition артикул 11621c.
Labor Relations, 11th Edition артикул 11621c.

Book DescriptionLabor Relations, the most accurate, readable, timely, and valuable book of its kind on the market, provides readers with a basic understanding of unionism in its natural habitat and a fundamental appreciation of the union-management process It focuses on the negotiation and administration of labor agreements, and emphasizes оеыер the more significant bargaining issues The 11th edition includes much new material and an extensively revised and updated bibliography For vice-presidents and directors of labor relations, union presidents, and others who are full-time labor-management professionals for either managements or unions.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разг2003 г ISBN 0131006827.

`О` артикул 11623c.
`О` артикул 11623c.

От издателя Джеймс Один (Мекхи Файфер), лучший игрок баскетбольной команды, пользуется заслуженной популярностью в колледже Он встречается с дочерью декана Дези Брэбл (Джулия оеыех Стайлз) и у него есть все шансы на успешное будущее Но находится человек, которому чужое благополучие не дает покоя - это Хьюго Гоулдинг (Джош Хартнетт), партнер Одина по команде и сын тренера (Мартин Шин) Больное самолюбие толкает Хьюго на реализацию зловещих замыслов, способных погубить не только любовь, но и всю жизнь соперника Режиссер: Тим Блейк Нельсон Продюсеры: Дэниел Фрид Энтони Рулен Творческий коллектив Режиссер Тим Блейк Нельсон Tim Blake Nelson Актеры (показать всех актеров) Джош Хартнетт Josh Hartnett Joshua Daniel Hartnett Вырос в Миннеаполисе в хиппи-стайл семье Какое-то время работал в видео прокате В 16 лет начинающий футболист повредил ногу и был за руку приведен тетей в детскую актерскую студию Переиграв множество ролей, нанял Джулия Стайлз Julia Stiles Джулия Стайлз родилась 28 марта 1981 года в Нью-Йорке (штат Нью-Йорк, США) Актерским искусством она заинтересовалась с юных лет - в 11 лет она написала письмо постановщику одного театра на Манхэттене с просьбой дать ей роль в спектакле, и вскоре девочка Мартин Шин Martin Sheen Ramon Estevez Рамон Эстевез, более известный как Мартин Шин, родился 3 августа 1940 года в Дейтоне (штат Огайо) Артистическую карьеру Шин начал на нью - йоркской сцене и известность приобрел после участия в `The Subject Was Roses` в 1964 году В кино.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   DaviФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: West Video Dolby Surround ; Закадровый перевод Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 91 мин , США Художественный кинофильм.

Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D For Dummies артикул 11625c.
Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D For Dummies артикул 11625c.

Veteran author Julie Adair King demystifies the high-end features of the new Canon T1i The Canon EOS Rebel T1i is the newest camera offered in Canon's popular Rebel line of digital SLRs-and sells for less than $900 Packed with page after page of full-color images, this hands-on guide is aimed at helping you make the most of the Canon T1i's controls оеыеч and shooting modes Get ready to maximize the camera's main functions in order to create effective digital photos Bestselling author Julie Adair King brings her expertise in the areas of digital cameras and photography and combines it with her fun and friendly writing style to offer you helpful explanations and advice Plus, examples walk first-time users of a digital SLR camera through the basic features as well as the software that accompanies the camera Selling for under $900, the Canon EOS Rebel T1i is a consumer-friendly digital camera, ideal for first-time owners Shows you how to shoot in auto mode, use live view and playback modes, and explore the on-board controls Demonstrates techniques for dialing in exposure and lighting controls, manipulating focus and color controls, and handling situational shooting Covers printing, posting online, and other ways to share images Picture this: taking better digital photos than you ever thought possible with your Canon EOS Rebel T1i!.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   Lomo2009 г Мягкая обложка, 368 стр ISBN 0470533897.

Escape from the Market: Negotiating Work in Lancashire артикул 11627c.
Escape from the Market: Negotiating Work in Lancashire артикул 11627c.

This book questions the conventional wisdom that in the heyday of laisez-faire capitalism wages were set by thorough going competition Drawing on the experience of a key group of workers during industrialization, this book shows that even in the absenceof trade unions, minimum wage legislation or unemployment insurance, wages do not always оеыеъ move with changes in the demand for and supply of labor Workers and firms have good reasons to fix wages independently of market fluctuations.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   HistISBN 0521561515.

Не оглядываясь назад артикул 11629c.
Не оглядываясь назад артикул 11629c.

От издателя Холодная, серая зима в небольшом рабочем городке на берегу океана Клодия работает в местном ресторанчике Она живет с Майком, человеком, которого знает всю жизнь, оеыжа и им хорошо вместе После работы они ходят в бар, встречаются с друзьями Верные друзья, неплохая работа, привычная жизнь, стабильность во всем Но все меняется с появлением Чарли, единственного в городе мечтателя и романтика Несколько лет назад он сумел завоевать ее любовь, а потом исчез, не сказав ни слова И вот, уже, казалось, забытое чувство вспыхивает вновь, и Клодия должна сделать выбор между мнимой стабильностью и призрачной мечтой Режиссер: Эдвард Бернс Продюсеры: Эдвард Бернс Тед Хоуп Майкл Ноцик Творческий коллектив Режиссер Эдвард Бернс Edward Burns Эдвард Дж Бернс родился 29 января 1968 года в Вудсайде (округ Квинс, штат Нью-Йорк, США) и вырос на Лонг-Айленде Отец его работал в полиции Эдвард Бернс учился в университете штата Нью-Йорк, потом, чтобы изучать искусство кино, перешел в Актеры (показать всех актеров) Лорен Холли (Клодия) Lauren Holly Лорен Майкл Холли родилась 28 октября 1963 года в Бристоле (штат Пенсильвания), выросла в Женеве (штат Нью - Йорк) Окончила колледж Сары Лоуренс Ее актерская карьера началась в 1986 году в дневном телесериале `Все мои дети`, за роль в котором она Джон Бон Джови (Майкл) John Bon Jovi Американский рок-певец, продюсер и актер итальянского происхождения, Джон Бон Джови (настоящее его имя Джон Фрэнсис Бонджови-младший) родился 2 марта 1962 года в Перт-Эмброе (штат Нью-Джерси, США) в семье парикмахера С юных лет он увлекался музыкой, Эдвард Бернс (Чарли) Edward Burns Эдвард Дж Бернс родился 29 января 1968 года в Вудсайде (округ Квинс, штат Нью-Йорк, США) и вырос на Лонг-Айленде Отец его работал в полиции Эдвард Бернс учился в университете штата Нью-Йорк, потом, чтобы изучать искусство кино, перешел в.  Davi   Ever   Micr   MartФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: Агма/Парадиз Dolby Surround ; Русский Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1998 г , 93 мин , США PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Good Machine, South Fork Pictures, Marlboro Road Gang Художественный кинофильм.

No Looking Back.
Путешествие на край света артикул 11631c.
Путешествие на край света артикул 11631c.

От издателя Перед началом Второй Мировой войны молодой антрополог Эвелин вместе с мужем, известным ученым, приезжает на острова Папуа - Новой Гвинеи для изучения сексуальных оеыжи обычаев местных племен На островах живет еще один белый - торговец жемчугом Мик, которого дикари почитают за бога Пытаясь лучше узнать жизнь туземцев, Эвелин решает отправиться в горы к племени "охотников за головами" и просит помощи у Мика За время их совместного путешествия Эвелин влюбляется в своего обаятельного спутника Но начинается война, японцы готовятся оккупировать острова, и Эвелин вынуждена вернуться домой в Австралию Она теряет связь с Миком и ничего не знает о его судьбе Но Эвелин надеется, что когда-нибудь встретится вновь с человеком, которого полюбила на всю жизнь Режиссер: Билл Беннетт Творческий коллектив Режиссер Билл Беннетт Bill Bennet Актеры (показать всех актеров) Руфус Сьюэлл (Мик Карпентер) Rufus Sewell Руфуса Сьюэлла называют одним из лучших британских актеров его поколения Тем не менее, предком его был каторжник, сосланный из Англии в Австралию в 1814-м году Отец Руфуса, Билл Сьюэлл, актер и мультипликатор (в частности, он работал над знаменитой Мартин Донован (Филлип Спенс) Martin Donovan Martin Donovan (II) Джон Ховард (Шотландец - Миссионер) John Howard John Howard (II).  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: Екатеринбург Арт HiFi Stereo ; Русский Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1999 г , 105 мин , Австралия The Australian Film, Hollywood Partners Художественный кинофильм.

In a Savage Land.
True Stories of False Confessions артикул 11633c.
True Stories of False Confessions артикул 11633c.

Editors Rob Warden and Steven Drizin - leaders in the field of wrongful convictions - have gathered articles about some of the most critical accounts of false confessions in the U S justice system from more than forty authors, including Sydney H Schanberg, Christine Ellen Young, Alex Kotlowitz, and John Grisham Many of the pieces originally appeared оеыжп in leading magazines and newspapers, including the "New York Times", "The Nation", the "New Yorker", and the "Los Angeles Times" By grouping the cases into categories - including brainwashing, fabrication, mental fragility, police force, and unrequited innocence - the editors demonstrate similarities between cases, thereby refuting the perception that false confessions represent individual tragedies rather than a systemic flaw in the justice system These incidents are not isolated; they are, in fact, related, and more shocking for it But the authors of the articles excerpted, adapted, and reprinted in this collection want more for their subjects than outrage; they want to fuel change in the practices and standards that illicit false confessions in the first place To this end, Warden and Drizin include an illuminating introduction to each category and recommendations for policy changes that would reduce false confessions They also include a postscript for each case, providing legal updates and additional information.  8942   Seve   Удар   Renz2009 г Мягкая обложка, 400 стр ISBN 0810126036.

The Enduring Reagan артикул 11635c.
The Enduring Reagan артикул 11635c.

A former Sunday school teacher and Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan was an unlikely candidate for president His charisma, conviction, and leadership earned him the governorship of California, from which he launched his successful bid to become the fortieth president of the United States in 1980 Reagan's political legacy continues to be the standard оеыжф by which all conservatives are judged In The Enduring Reagan, editor Charles W Dunn brings together eight prominent scholars to examine the political career and legacy of Ronald Reagan This anthology offers a bold reassessment of the Reagan years and the impact they had on the United States and the world.  stud   Afro   Prin   Миро2009 г Твердый переплет, 184 стр ISBN 0813125529.

Cardio Pilates артикул 11637c.
Cardio Pilates артикул 11637c.

От издателя Burn more calories & get a more satisfying muscle-sculpting workout Step it up a notch and get more calorie burning cardio-fitness power from every workout An invigorating fusion of classic Pilates movements and fat-burning cardio exercise, Cardio Pilates delivers the strength conditioning effects Pilates is known оеыжъ for - as well as a results-intensifying, heart-rate boosting cardiovascular workout By integrating classic Pilates moves with dynamic, energy-infused motion, Cardio Pilates revs up calorie burn, multiplies results and improves cardio health - while also delivering the strengthening, body-reshaping effects that have made Pilates one of today's most popular fitness techniques Guided by certified Pilates instructor Ana Caban, Cardio Pilates is a workout for anyone who enjoys both the focused mind-body synergy of classic Pilates moves and a satisfying, higher-intensity workout With every routine you'll feel both stronger and filled with the empowering release of a fully maximized workout Дополнительные материалы Faster paced, cardio-infused Pilates techniques increase heart-rate to burn more calories and multiply results Traditional mat work strengthens and increases definition without adding bulk Cardio combined with mind-body fitness techniques creates a satisfying 42 minute workout.  Wind   Road   Mari   консФормат: DVD (NTSC) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Gaiam Americas Региональный код: 1 Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby Digital Stereo Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2003 г , 42 мин , США Ventura Спортивная видеопрограмма.

Various Artist: Opera Metal артикул 11639c.
Various Artist: Opera Metal артикул 11639c.

От издателя 01 The Islander - Nightwish 02 Superheroes - Edguy 03 Lost in Space - Avantasia 04 April Rain - Delain 05 Never Enough - Epica 06 Sons Of The Staves Of Time - Therion 07 Beast Within – Katra 08 My Mind's Eye - Sirenia 09 Honey And Sulphur - Cradle Of Filth 10 Serpents Embrace - Agathodaimon 11 Ravenheart - Xandria 12 Adoration - Mortal оеыжь Love 13 Entangled - Magica 14 Storm - Theatre Of Tragedy 15 Discord - After Forever 16 Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir 17 Fake A Smile - Live Kristine 18 Porcelain Heart - Opeth Актеры (показать всех актеров) "Nightwish" (Исполнитель) "Edguy" (Исполнитель) "Avantasia" (Исполнитель).  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитРФормат: DVD (NTSC) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз" Региональный код: 0 (All) Количество слоев: DVD-5 (1 слой) Звуковые дорожки: Немецкий PCM Stereo Формат изображения: WideScreen 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2009 г , 76 мин , Германия ZYX Music Сборник клипов.

The Brave New World of e-HR : Human Resources in the Digital Age артикул 11641c.
The Brave New World of e-HR : Human Resources in the Digital Age артикул 11641c.

Book DescriptionThe Brave New World of eHR is an important resource, filled with the most current information and practical advice on eHR for human resource professionals and industrial and organizational psychologists Written by an expert group of scholars, practitioners, and subject matter experts, this book offers an overview of the major оеыза technological trends in eHR, and shows how to use technology to enhance organizational effectiveness Comprehensive in scope, the book includes information on a wide variety of topics and Reviews the transformation of human resources from manual processes to sophisticated CRM and ERP systems Examines the effectiveness of online strategies for attracting talent Offers valuable guidelines that can help organizations design, deliver, implement, and sustain e-selection systems Includes a review of the recent research on the effectiveness of distance learning in educational and organizational settings Analyzesthe potential advantages and disadvantages of using eHR to manage employee performance Shows how technology supports the administration of compensation systems Outlines recent trends in delivering HR products and services Considers the functional and dysfunctional consequences of using eHR to attract, select, and manage the performance of employees in organizations Presents a fascinating and futuristic look at HR and technology for decades to come.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   Грос2005 г ISBN 0787973386.

Responsible Executive Compensation for a New Era of Accountability артикул 11643c.
Responsible Executive Compensation for a New Era of Accountability артикул 11643c.

Book DescriptionA definitive road map to help companies assess and refine their executive reward strategies Responsible pay has become inextricably linked with corporate governance and long-term shareholder value creation Responsible Executive Compensation for a New Era of Accountability shows you how to revamp your executive compensation оеызр programs to drive shareholder value creation while adhering to the high standards of the new corporate governance environment Packed with case studies, diagnostics, and contributions from world-renowned experts in executive compensation, this vital resource offers a comprehensive overview of the critical issues affecting executive compensation practice and theory during this new era Order your copy today! Download DescriptionThis book, written for executives and boards of directors in for-profit companies, examines a series of issues impacting executive compensation theory and practice in the new era of governance and reward management Focus is on how companies create and measure value and how traditional executive pay programs, with their heavy weighting of accounting-friendly stock options, can be reassessed and revised in light of anticipated SEC and accounting rules Other important ancillary issues include the influence of institutional investors on executive pay programs, needed changes in director roles/responsibilities and perhaps pay, the increased use of performance measures, the selection of peers for financial performance and pay benchmarking, and the increased importance on communications both externally to investors and internally to executives.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   Соде2004 г ISBN 0471474312.

Public Speaking: Prepare, Present, Participate артикул 11645c.
Public Speaking: Prepare, Present, Participate артикул 11645c.

Public Speaking: Prepare, Present, Participate's provides a "reader-friendly" style and length that is easy to comprehend Special Themes within the book include an emphasis on media literacy, critical thinking and additional skills on becoming an effective communicator This new entry into the public speaking market covers traditional оеызу topics of public speaking that include: audience analysis, research, organizing and outlining, speech presentation, and types of speeches Highlights within the book include using analytical skills to become effective producers and consumers of information and communication competence, in addition to using knowledge, skill, motivation, and judgment abilities to increase effective communication skils that demonstrate ethical communication and consideration for multiple perspectives on a controversial issues This new book is based on a comprehensive, award-winning introductory public speaking course that was developed by the authors at Illinois State University for the 2008 NCA Program of Excellence.  МГор   веду   Dixi   Цыбу2009 г Мягкая обложка, 360 стр ISBN 0131945580.

Business and Professional Communication артикул 11647c.
Business and Professional Communication артикул 11647c.

This comprehensive book focuses on the core concepts and skills of business and professional communication, with an emphasis on leadership for today’s global workplace Business and Professional Communication is organized around five fundamental principles of communication, providing a useful pedagogical framework for the reader These оеызц principles are applied to a variety of business and professional contexts, including workplace relationships, interviewing, group and team work and giving presentations Readers learn how to be aware of their communication, to use verbal and nonverbal messages and listen effectively and then, to adapt their communication to others’ needs and styles.  Куца   Mast   Стер   моло2009 г Мягкая обложка, 496 стр ISBN 020548591X.

Game Engine Architecture артикул 11649c.
Game Engine Architecture артикул 11649c.

This book covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development, bringing together complete coverage of a wide range of topics The concepts and techniques described are the actual ones used by real game studios like Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog The examples are often grounded in specific technologies, but the discussion extends оеызэ way beyond any particular engine or API The references and citations make it a great jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process Intended as the text for a college level series in game programming, this book can also be used by amateur software engineers, hobbyists, self-taught game programmers, and existing members of the game industry Junior game engineers can use it to solidify their understanding of game technology and engine architecture Even senior engineers who specialize in one particular field of game development can benefit from the bigger picture presented in these pages Автор Jason Gregory.  Спир   Guar   Jean   MagnИздательство: A K Peters, Ltd , 2009 г Твердый переплет, 864 стр ISBN 1568814135 Язык: Английский.

Сказки для маленьких принцесс артикул 11651c.
Сказки для маленьких принцесс артикул 11651c.

Редактор: Галина Губанова Художники: Ю Кравец Г Кравец Вашему вниманию предлагается сборник сказок для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста Содержание Принцесса оеыиз на горошине Датская сказка Сказка c 3-8 Немая принцесса Русская сказка Сказка c 9-24 Спящая красавица Французская сказка Сказка c 25-34 Царевна-лягушка Русская сказка Сказка c 35-58 Король-ветер и принцесса Словацкая сказка Сказка c 59-72 Иван-царевич и серый волк Русская сказка Сказка c 73-96 Принцесса, которая мечтала о короне из росы Китайская сказка Сказка c 97-104 Сивка-бурка Русская сказка Сказка c 105-127.  OZON   Wind   Топо   InteАнтология Издательства: Родничок, Астрель, АСТ, Харвест, 2010 г Твердый переплет, 128 стр ISBN ISBN 978-5-89624-384-7, 978-5-271-25654-7, 978-5-17-062789-9, 978-985-16-7649-7 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 84x108/16 (~205х290 мм) Цветные иллюстрации.

U S A : A Picture Memory артикул 11653c.
U S A : A Picture Memory артикул 11653c.

It's not the biggest country in the world, but not many Americans have noticed And they're equally proud of the fact that you can walk on a glacier and lie on a sunny beach in the same week at any time of year without ever leaving the United States The almost endless variety of the American landscape makes up this collection of color pictures that take you оеыик from the coast of Maine to the volcanoes of Hawaii with all the fascinating stops between them It is a landscape of small New England villages and crowded cities, of endless mountain ranges and prairies that stretch farther than the eye can see It includes deserts and inland seas, deep forests and rolling farmland It is a place of majestic rivers and laughing streams Above all, it is a place of monuments to the people who built one of the world's greatest standards of living from virgin land in less than three centuries The spirit of America is in these pages as an inspiration and as a source of pride Формат: 23 см x 29,5 cм Автор Bill Harris.  Malc   Звон   Соло   автоИздательство: Colour Library Books, 1996 г Суперобложка, 64 стр ISBN 0 517 01747 4 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

The New Relationship: Human Capital in the American Corporation артикул 11655c.
The New Relationship: Human Capital in the American Corporation артикул 11655c.

Human capital and organizational capital are increasingly important as a source of value in many firms But even as this is happening, organizational forms and employment relationships appear to be changing in ways that reduce loyalty and commitment andencourage mobility on the part of employees Are these changes consistent in ways that contradict оеыим traditional theory and wisdom, or is the corporate sector getting a temporary boost in earnings by restructuring and cutting payrolls, but failing to make necessary new investments in human capital? The essays in this book provide intriguing new evidence on these questions The contributors quantify the degree to which job stability is declining, and the costs of job loss to long-term workers; provide historical perspective on today's workplace changes; explore the reasons why work is being reorganized and decisionmaking tasks are being pushed downward; examine the rationale for and effect of equity-based compensation systems, both in old industries and in the newest high-tech sectors; and assess the "state of the art" of measuring and accounting for investments in human capital This book is the result of a joint Brookings-MIT conference In addition to the editors, authors include Eileen Appelbaum, Laurie Bassi, Avner Ben-Ner, Peter Berg, Joseph Blasi, Timothy Bresnahan, Eric Brynjolfsson, Allen Burns, Peter Cappelli, Greg Dow, Lorin Hitt, Douglas Kruse, Baruch Lev, Julia Liebeskind, Jonathon Low, Daniel McMurrer, Louis Putterman, Charles Schultze, and Anthony Siesfeld.  Rene   Edga   Caro   НефеISBN 0815709013.

Спасти город артикул 11602c.
Спасти город артикул 11602c.

От издателя Группа особо опасных преступников с целью получения крупного выкупа захватывает в Элпхинстонской тюрьме 213 туристов, пришедших туда на экскурсию Но основная оеыгк опасность состоит не в том, что они готовы убить заложников, а в том, что в их руки попал новый смертоносный вирус и они готовы с помощью ракетных установок заразить им основные источники водоснабжения города Тюрьма расположена на отдельном острове в океане и попасть туда незамеченным невозможно Лишь один человек в своё время бежал оттуда и знает как можно проникнуть туда Режиссер: Гарри Баведжа Творческий коллектив Режиссер Гарри Баведжа Harry Baweja Актеры (показать всех актеров) Аджай Девган Ajay Devgan Vishal Devgan Сунил Шетти Sunil Shetty Санджай Капур Sanjay Kapoor.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   JerzСерия: Боевики народов мира.

Его зовут `Удар Молнии` артикул 11604c.
Его зовут `Удар Молнии` артикул 11604c.

От издателя Суперзвезда индийского кино, Говинда, в мелодраматическом боевике! Трудное детство и несчастья друзей-бедняков превратили Виджая в бунтовщика Он поднял восстание оеыго и теперь всегда готов прийти на помощь обездоленным Каждый может найти у него защиту и справедливость! За подвиги его прозвали `Удар Молнии`, он стал легендой в сердцах людей Режиссер Диксит С П Актеры Сингх Садхна Шах Сатисш Говинда Govinda Govinda Ahuja.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: ТЕН - Видео Русский Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1991 г , Индия M I Film Combine`s Художественный кинофильм.

Anna Shuttleworth артикул 11606c.
Anna Shuttleworth артикул 11606c.

In her memoirs, Anna Shuttleworth describes her musical and personal life, with many insights into cello technique and performance She also rediscovers her parents’ last travel story Born in 1927, Anna grew up in changing musical and political times Her father, who worked for the Indian Civil Service, was an expert in classical and oriental оеыгы languages Her mother, of Irish-Polish background, provided emotional warmth and a spirited temper Anna’s cello journey started early and took her to study with Ivor James at the Royal College of Music in London, and later to famous cellists such as Mainardi and Casals Her long cello career gives an account of a warm, hardworking and independent woman who often wore the trousers As a performer, as well as a highly regarded teacher, she is known to have a musical sixth sense, and she was friendly with many well-known musicians of her time, including Gerald Finzi, Ralph Vaughan Williams (who fondly called her ‘The Swellest Cellist’), Colin Davis, Mstislav Rostropovich and Jacqueline du Pre.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPOR2009 г Мягкая обложка, 586 стр ISBN 1425189113.

В капкане артикул 11608c.
В капкане артикул 11608c.

От издателя Шатругхан Синха (`Моя любовь как пожар`, `Огонь любви`, `Кузнец`), Джая Прада (`Повелитель тигров`, `Волшебник`, `Месть телохранителя`), Чандрачур Сингх "Невеста на оеыде двоих", "Приманка", "Легкомысленная девчонка", "Ох уж эти жены!" Фарах, Видья Синха Группа школьников, среди которых оказался Рукмини (Джая Прада), жена министра внутренних дел, вместе с сыном, отправляются на экскурсию в Кашмир По дороге автобус захватывают террористы, которые требуют освободить своих сообщников Спецгруппа захвата начинает рискованную операцию по освобождению заложников Режиссер: Омо Раджа Творческий коллектив Режиссер Омо Раджа Omo Raja Актеры (показать всех актеров) Видья Синха Шатругхан Синха Джай Прада Jaya Prada.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrФормат: VHS Дистрибьютор: Арена HiFi Stereo ; Закадровый перевод Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2002 г , 154 мин , Индия Globe Entertainments Художественный кинофильм.

Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries (Nber Comparative Labor Markets Series) артикул 11610c.
Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries (Nber Comparative Labor Markets Series) артикул 11610c.

The economic status of young people has declined significantly over the past two decades, despite a variety of programs designed to aid new workers in the transition from the classroom to the job market This ongoing problem has proved difficult to explain Drawing on comparative data from Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, оеыдл these papers go beyond examining only employment and wages and explore the effects of family background, education and training, social expectations, and crime on youth employment This volume brings together key studies, providing detailed analyses of the difficult economic situation plaguing young workers Why have demographic changes and additional schooling failed to resolve youth unemployment? How effective have those economic policies been which aimed to improve the labor skills and marketability of young people? And how have youths themselves responded to the deteriorating job market confronting them? These questions form the empirical and organizational bases upon which these studies are founded.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpISBN 0226056589.

Philosophy and Conceptual Art артикул 11612c.
Philosophy and Conceptual Art артикул 11612c.

The analytic philosophers writing here engage with the cluster of philosophical questions raised by conceptual art They address four broad questions: What kind of art is conceptual art? What follows from the fact that conceptual art does not aim to have aesthetic value? What knowledge or understanding can we gain from conceptual art? How ought оеыдн we to appreciate conceptual art? Conceptual art, broadly understood by the contributors as beginning with Marcel Duchamp's ready-mades and as continuing beyond the 1970s to include some of today's contemporary art, is grounded in the notion that the artist's "idea" is central to art, and, contrary to tradition, that the material work is by no means essential to the art as such To use the words of the conceptual artist Sol LeWitt, "In conceptual art the idea of the concept is the most important aspect of the work and the execution is a perfunctory affair " Given this so-called "dematerialization" of the art object, the emphasis on cognitive value, and the frequent appeal to philosophy by many conceptual artists, there are many questions that are raised by conceptual art that should be of interest to analytic philosophers Why, then, has so little work been done in this area? This volume is most probably the first collection of papers by analytic philosophers tackling these concerns head-on.  Tran   книг   Creo   Dona2009 г Мягкая обложка, 312 стр ISBN 0199568251.

Нас не догонят артикул 11614c.
Нас не догонят артикул 11614c.

От издателя Айшвария Рай ("Невеста и предрассудки"), Амитабх Баччан ("Главарь мафии"), Санджай Датт ("Неминуемая расплата") и Аджай Девган ("Долг превыше всего") в оеыды музыкальной мелодраме Давида Дхавана "Нас не догонят" Один из самых влиятельных бомбейских гангстеров Мунна влюбляется в прекрасную незнакомку, являющуюся к нему в сновидениях Чтобы избавиться от наваждения, Мунна обращается к врачу Растоги, который советует разыскать девушку, иначе любовный недуг вконец источит его сердце Объектом страсти оказывается родная сестра доктора Комал Но есть проблема - она уже влюблена в Раджу Доктор решает увезти сестру подальше от безудержных воздыхателей Женихи бросаются за ними следом Кто станет победителем в этой гонке? Режиссер: Давид Дхаван Продюсер: Афзал Кхан Творческий коллектив Режиссер Давид Дхаван David Dhawan Актеры (показать всех актеров) Амитабх Баччан Amitabh Bachchan Shri Amitabh Bachchan Аджай Девган Ajay Devgan Vishal Devgan Айшвария Рай Aishwarya Rai.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeФормат: VHS (PAL) Дистрибьютор: Арена HiFi Stereo ; Русский Закадровый перевод Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2002 г , 164 мин , Индия Shaboo Arts Художественный кинофильм.

Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin.
Jane Campion: Cinema, Nation, Identity (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Television) артикул 11616c.
Jane Campion: Cinema, Nation, Identity (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Television) артикул 11616c.

This is an innovative collection of original essays on Jane Campion, renowned female amateur filmmaker In "Jane Campion: Cinema, Nation, Identity" a diverse group of contributors challenge the view that Campion's body of work lacks coherence or unity to instead examine the important characteristics and themes that underlie it Editors оеыдя Hilary Radner, Alistair Fox, and Irene Bessiere have compiled rich, original scholarship on Campion's oeuvre to probe issues previously neglected by scholars - like her debt to New Zealand sources and her personal views of family dynamics - and those that benefit from additional insight - such as her place in the feminist film making tradition This volume also investigates Campion's distinct cinematic style in light of these issues to examine the source of her enduring cross-cultural and international appeal Contributors in the first section explore the creation of subjectivity and identity in Campion's films, which include well-known works like "The Piano" and "Holy Smoke", to trace the unique perspectives of Campion's characters and Campion herself as director In the second section, essays analyze Campion's close relationship with literature and argue that the singular vision in her literary adaptations stems from her New Zealand background and her personal mythology Contributors in the third section argue that while Campion devotes considerable attention to the evocation of feminine internal space, she also uses the symbolic potential of her external physical locations to register what is taking place in the inner life of her characters and reflect their search for personal fulfillment A final group of essays presents a variety of responses to Campion's films, demonstrating that Campion is a highly personal and idiosyncratic director who nonetheless manages to fascinate viewers across a broad cultural spectrum Taken together, contributors in "Jane Campion: Cinema, Nation, Identity" present a compelling analysis of Campion's status as a leading female filmmaker with close attention to her distinctive cinematic style and particular mise-en-scene The collective nature of this volume will appeal to students and teachers of film, literature, and gender studies, as well as fans of Campion's work.  Jame   Алек   Cher   Isaa2009 г Мягкая обложка, 329 стр ISBN 0814334326.

Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource, Third Edition артикул 11618c.
Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource, Third Edition артикул 11618c.

Book DescriptionThis book reflects the importance of employees as a key element of strategic compensation programs In exploring the art of compensation and its role in promoting companies' competitive advantages, the author develops a solid understanding of compensation practices, the context of compensation practice, the criteria used оеыеи to compensate employees, compensation system design issues, employee benefits, and contemporary challenges that compensation professionals will face well into the 21stcentury KEY TOPICS The book's five-part organization covers specific topics under the headings of setting the stage for strategic compensation, bases for pay, designing compensation systems, employee benefits, and contemporary strategic compensation challenges For compensation specialists and analysts, and human resource and compensation managers.  Херл   Etni   Diam   Harr2003 г ISBN 0131824767.

Маньячные медсестры находят экстаз Другое кино №52 артикул 11620c.
Маньячные медсестры находят экстаз Другое кино №52 артикул 11620c.

От издателя После "Кровососущих уродов", в которых мужики издевались над молодыми девушками, ТРОМА дала красавицам отыграться (в американском видеопрокате фильм вышел оеыеп с подзаголовком "Кровососущие уроды-2 ") В "Маньячных медсестрах" работницы сферы медобслуживания расхаживают в кружевном нижнем белье, соблазняя пациентов, а потом жестоко их мучают и убивают при помощи зомбированных специалисток Если "Кровососущие уроды" погружали зрителя в глубины китчевого ужаса, то их своеобразное продолжение возносится к высочайшим вершинам прекрасного, какие только способен вообразить себе китч Экипировка медсестер на долгое время стала фирменной чертой трома-стиля: в 90-е из фильма в фильм переходили полуголые девицы в белоснежных колготках и линжери с гранатами на поясках и массивными пулеметами в нежных ручках Режиссер Леон Пол Де Брайан Leon Paul De Bruyn Актеры Хайни Браун Hajni Brown Сцила Фэрэго Csilla Farago Сюзанна Макэй Susanna Makay.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrСерия: Другое кино.

Maniac Nurses / Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy.
Sherlock: An Autobiography артикул 11622c.
Sherlock: An Autobiography артикул 11622c.

This book is an autobiography describing the author’s experiences during his childhood as an American living in Nazi Germany during World War 2 (WW2) On return to the US as a teenager he attended high school in preparation for membership in the US Navy during the Korean War This is followed by a career with the Bell Telephone system as an engineer оеыет The book covers a period of about 50 years and includes a list of thoughts about various subjects that are both entertaining as well as inspiring The general motivation is to encourage people to think about their life as well as their future The author has lived in New York state, Germany, Connecticut and Colorado as well as the United States Navy all of which are incorporated in this book.  Tato   Kary   спас   Заре2009 г Мягкая обложка, 436 стр ISBN 1425184227.

The Policy Analysis of Child Labor: A Comparative Study артикул 11624c.
The Policy Analysis of Child Labor: A Comparative Study артикул 11624c.

The Policy Analysis of Child Labor examines the conditions which lead to child labor in Bolivia, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, and the Philippine and uses the findings to recommend a new policy approach toward its eradication The researchers found that many children's days involve both work and schooling, so many of the current policy approaches, оеыец such as bans on child labor, are not optimal because they view child work and schooling as mutually exclusive alternatives Instead, a gradual policy approach in two phases would be more effective This policy would begin by increasing legal and social protection for working children and adding school time to child work routines, then would shift the work-school combination toward schooling only Their policy also calls for joint provision of support to home enterprises and enrollment incentives--especially for girls The Policy of Analysis of Child Labor is a meticulous study of a major human rights issue with far-reaching policy implications.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1ISBN 0312221223.

Human Resource Management with Student CD, PowerWeb, and Management Skill Booster Card артикул 11626c.
Human Resource Management with Student CD, PowerWeb, and Management Skill Booster Card артикул 11626c.

Book DescriptionHuman Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage by Noe/Hollenbeck/Gerhart/Wright is back with a new and improved 4th edition In this new economy, effective human resource management is all the more necessary to gain true competitive advantage in the marketplace, as competitors strive to win the war for talent Four оеыещ challenges companies face are the global challenge, the challenge of meeting stakeholder needs, the high performance work practices challenge, and the challenge of competing in the new economy The authors bring these challenges to life by highlighting real-world examples pertaining to these 4 issues and relating it to the concepts within the chapter This best-selling McGraw-Hill Human Resource Management title provides students with the technical background needed to be a knowledgeable consumer of human resource (HR) products and services, to manage HR effectively, or to be a successful HR professional While clearly strategic in nature, the text also emphasizes how managers can more effectively acquire, develop, compensate, and manage the internal and external environment that relates to the management of human resources.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   Svag2003 г ISBN 0072918918.

Diana Inquest: The Untold Story артикул 11628c.
Diana Inquest: The Untold Story артикул 11628c.

The Untold Story reveals how judicial corruption led to a seriously flawed verdict at the inquest into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed It provides a thorough record of the key evidence that was heard by the inquest jury and details the 143 important witnesses who were not heard from during the inquest The book reveals the critical relevance оеыеы of the evidence from the original police statements that the jury were prevented from having access to This untold story destroys the perception that the inquest achieved justice for the deceased occupants of the crashed Mercedes It clearly outlines the methods employed by the royal coroner to continually manipulate the jury throughout the six months of the inquest This is the gripping, true account of a judiciary hell-bent on ensuring that the jury would not be permitted to return a verdict of murder in the most significant and high profile inquest of our modern era.  слов   Mich   Garm   Crac2009 г Мягкая обложка, 692 стр ISBN 1448645336.

Lori's Song: The true story of an American woman held captive in Iran артикул 11630c.
Lori's Song: The true story of an American woman held captive in Iran артикул 11630c.

Though she endured a childhood of physical and sexual abuse, nothing would ever equal what happened to her in Iran the weeks following 9/11 Lori, an American married to an Iranian, had been working and living as an ordinary member of Iranian society for almost 4 years when she had heard rumors that the U S was going to be attacked That was on September оеыжз 9, 2001 She tried and failed to call home and give warning The news that all those rumors were horribly true came on September 11th 2001 That was when her husband suddenly announced that they had to go back to the States in case there were repercussions On September 12, 2001, Lori and her husband were at the Shiraz bus terminal intending to catch a bus to Istanbul and from there to Heathrow and home to the U S A They were totally unprepared for the convoy of troop carriers that suddenly drove up and the armed men who came pouring out to take the hapless couple prisoner There was no explanation offered The men took Lori's husband one direction and she another, pushing them blindfolded into the back of the troop carriers with other prisoners, mostly Iranian Who the armed men were was anybody's guess but they took their prisoners to POW camp in unfamiliar territory and there, Lori was held, tortured, raped, and starved with them for over a month Her husband was not to be seen again Lori was rescued with one of her fellow inmates by the girl's family and, after riding a llama for 1-2 days over mountainous terrain; she arrived at the Iran Immigration center By then, she weighed in at only 70 pounds, was still suffering from the many injuries she'd received at the hands of her torturers, and wanted badly to get home to her family in the USA Even then, she had to fight Iranian Islamic bureaucracy to have permission to go, as the husband was unavailable to grant it In any Islamic country, unknown to many western women, the husband or guardian's permission is always required for a woman to travel anywhere Lori had been married to Mohammad for 9 years and thought she could trust him but, since their arrival in Iran in 1998, his personality and behavior had changed so radically as to make this most recent nightmare highly suspicious The events told here are true It was no coincidence that this American citizen had been placed into a concentration camp In fact, it raises many questions and should be a caution to many!.  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2009 г Твердый переплет, 244 стр ISBN 1432711822.

Laboring for Rights: Unions and Sexual Orientation Across Nations (Queer Politics, Queer Theories) артикул 11632c.
Laboring for Rights: Unions and Sexual Orientation Across Nations (Queer Politics, Queer Theories) артикул 11632c.

How do unions around the world respond to issues raised by sexual minorities? Much has been written on labor's response to issues raised by women and racial minorities, but there has been little work done on labor's engagement with gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered The original essays in this collection attempt to fill that void оеыжо by bringing together a group of experts who examine labor's response to such issues as benefits for same-sex partners, anti-discrimination language in collective agreements, and education Speaking from a variety of racial backgrounds, sexual orientations, and political views, the contributors bring their unique personal perspectives and scholarly approaches to this groundbreaking book The chapters included in Laboring for Rights give a global vision to the increasingly important subject of equity in the workplace They offer a much-needed look at labor's involvement with current international workplace conditions from such diverse countries as the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, and South Africa, as well as parts of the South Pacific Some of these countries have strong and progressive labor unions; some, like the U S , have relatively weak labor organizations But whatever the context, as these articles demonstrate, there seems to be a growing and in some instances prospering gay/lesbian labor alliance in many parts of the world Laboring for Rights is a pioneering text in an important new area of labor study It will engage readers interested in equality in the workplace, labor and organizational studies, gay and lesbian activism, and international, comparative studies.  цвет   Осип   Para   1815ISBN 1566397170.

Stress and Distress Among the Unemployed: Hard Times and Vulnerable People (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry) артикул 11634c.
Stress and Distress Among the Unemployed: Hard Times and Vulnerable People (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry) артикул 11634c.

Employing both large-scale surveys and in-depth interviews, the authors document the mental health effects on workers caused by the closure of four General Motor plants They paint a portrait of how the social context in which these workers lived played a critical role in their experiences of unemployment or of keeping their jobs when others around оеыжр them lost theirs More than simply a study of unemployment and mental health, this book is also a story of coping and resilience.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENNISBN 0306463296.

Speech and Language Processing артикул 11636c.
Speech and Language Processing артикул 11636c.

An explosion of Web-based language techniques, merging of distinct fields, availability of phone-based dialogue systems, and much more make this an exciting time in speech and language processing The first of its kind to thoroughly cover language technology – at all levels and with all modern technologies – this book takes an empirical approach оеыжш to the subject, based on applying statistical and other machine-learning algorithms to large corporations Builds each chapter around one or more worked examples demonstrating the main idea of the chapter, usingthe examples to illustrate the relative strengths and weaknesses of various approaches Adds coverage of statistical sequence labeling, information extraction, question answering and summarization, advanced topics in speech recognition, speech synthesis Revises coverage of language modeling, formal grammars, statistical parsing, machine translation, and dialog processing A useful reference for professionals in any of the areas of speech and language processing 2 edition Авторы Daniel Jurafsky James H Martin.  язык   Буха   Сост   демоИздательство: Prentice Hall, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 1024 стр ISBN 0131873210 Язык: Английский.

Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style (7th Edition) артикул 11638c.
Play Directing: Analysis, Communication, and Style (7th Edition) артикул 11638c.

Play Directing describes the role of the director as artist-leader working in collaboration with actors and designers in bringing a play to life Some of the key topics include: play analysis, interpretation, fundamentals of staging including developing effective groundplans and blocking, mastery of style in playscripts and prduction, and оеыжы effective working with actors and designers as key collaborators This text is ideal for Introductory and Intermediate-level stage directors.  Щерб   увед   серт   Fran2009 г Твердый переплет, 408 стр ISBN 0205571247.

Introduction to Health and Safety at Work, Second Edition артикул 11640c.
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work, Second Edition артикул 11640c.

Book DescriptionIntroduction to Health and Safety at Work has been developed for the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health, accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, and closely matches the syllabus The successful first edition has also found ready acceptance for other NVQ level 3 and 4 courses оеыжю in Health and Safety As an introduction to all areas of occupational safety and health the book will also be useful to managers and directors with health and safety responsibilities and safety representatives It covers the essential elements of health and safety management, the legal framework, risk assessment and control standards New in this edition: * Chapter on international aspects and standards (including ILO and OHSAS 18001), making the book suitable for overseas courses such as the NEBOSH International Certificate * Study skills chapter offers more support for students who return to study * Updated throughout in line with changes in the regulations, including the Fire Safety Order Phil Hughes MBE, MSc, FIOSH, RSP is a former Chairman of NEBOSH (1995-2001) and former President of IOSH (1990-1991) and runs his own consultancy He received an MBE for services to health and safety and as a director of RoSPA in the New Years Honours List 2005 Ed Ferrett PhD, BSc (Hons Eng), CEng, MIMechE, MIEE, MIOSH is the Vice Chair of NEBOSH and a course manager for NEBOSH courses at Cornwall Business School of Cornwall College He is a Chartered Engineer and a health and safety consultant * Student-friendly presentation in full colour packed with illustrations and photographs * Revision questions taken from recent NEBOSH examinations to test your knowledge * Includes a summary of the main legal requirements, useful for both students and managers.  Низо   рома   Goin   Ауди2005 г ISBN 0750666234.

Dio: Evil Or Divine артикул 11642c.
Dio: Evil Or Divine артикул 11642c.

От издателя A legend takes the stage! For over twenty years, the music am magic of DIO have shaped the very landscape of heavy metal Now for the first time ever, the celebrated and epic over-the-top live show has been captured digitally and can be relived by fans worldwide anytime! On a rain-soaked Friday the 13TH in December of 2002, the оеызв mastery of DIO took full command of New York City's famous Roseland Ballroom In grand fashion, the formidable quintet was unleashed upon a rabid sold-out crowd, delivering a memorable performance that was nothing less than a heavy metal history lesson With material ranging from the timeless anthems found on the Holy Diver and Last In Line albums to brand new headbangers from their latest opus, Killing The Dragon, DIO delivered that special kind of evening that hard rock and heavy metal live for Also included are several electrifying classics from Ronnie James Dio's days with Rainbow and Black Sabbath Tracklisting: 01 Killing The Dragon 02 Egypt / Children Of The Sea 03 Push 04 Drum Solo 05 Stand Up And Shout 06 Rock And Roll 07 Don't Talk To Strangers 08 Man On The Silver Mountain 09 Guitar Solo 10 Long Live Rock And Roll 11 Lord Of The Last Day 12 Fever Dreams 13 Holy Diver 14 Heaven And Hell 15 The Last In Line 16 Rainbow In The Dark 17 We Rock Дополнительные материалы Interview Photo Gallery Behind-The-Scenes Footage Promo Video for "Push" Хронометраж: 21 минута, Звуковая дорожка: Английский Dolby Digital 2 0 Актер "Dio" (Исполнитель).  рабо   Herb   Руби   СодеФормат: DVD (PAL) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз" Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby Digital 2 0 Английский Dolby Digital 5 1 Английский DTS Surround Формат изображения: Letterbox 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2002 г , 100 мин , США Eagle Rock Концертная программа.

Live and Online! : Tips, Techniques and Ready-to-Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom артикул 11644c.
Live and Online! : Tips, Techniques and Ready-to-Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom артикул 11644c.

Live and Online! offers the key to designing effective interactions for the synchronous classroom This ensures that participants have ample opportunity to collaborate and interact, which in turn helps them to successfully learn online Author Jennifer Hofmann explains the use of powerful synchronous tools—Whiteboard, Chat, Breakout Room, оеызт Application Sharing, and Synchronized Web Browsing—provides sample exercises for each tool, and offers advice on how each tool fits into the instructional landscape At the end of each exercise there is space provided for notes and suggestions on how to customize the interaction for specific projects The companion CD-ROM contains sample graphics, leader guide pages that support the exercises, and templates for creating leader and participant materials and interactive plans.  меся   чита   теат   FlyiISBN 0787969788.

Balancing Risks: Great Power Intervention in the Periphery (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) артикул 11646c.
Balancing Risks: Great Power Intervention in the Periphery (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) артикул 11646c.

Great powers often initiate risky military and diplomatic inventions in far-off, peripheral regions that pose no direct threat to them, risking direct confrontation with rivals in strategically inconsequential places Why do powerful countries behave in a way that leads to entrapment in prolonged, expensive, and self-defeating conflicts? оеызф Jeffrey W Taliaferro suggests that such interventions are driven by the refusal of senior officials to accept losses in their states relative power, international status, or prestige Instead of cutting their losses, leaders often continue to invest blood and money in failed excursions into the periphery Their policies may seem to be driven by rational concerns about power and security, but Taliaferro deems them to be at odds with the master explanation of political realism Taliaferro constructs a "balance-of-risk" theory of foreign policy that draws on defensive realism (in international relations) and prospect theory (in psychology) He illustrates thepower of this new theory in several case narratives: Germanys initiation and escalation of the 1905 and 1911 Moroccan crises, the United Statess involvement in the Korean War in 195052, and Japans entanglement in the second SinoJapanese war in 193740 and its decisions for war with the U S in 194041.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеISBN 0801442214.

Coaching Skills артикул 11648c.
Coaching Skills артикул 11648c.

"I have just read my first - and probably last - whole book on coaching It is my last because it has done the job, giving me the most comprehensive examination of the art " David Amos, former Deputy Director of HR at the DoH, writing in the Health Service Journal What is coaching and how is it different from therapy or counselling? What techniques оеызщ and approaches does an effective coach use? What distinguishes a ‘good enough’ coach from an outstanding one? Coaching Skills helps readers to acquire the skills that are essential for becoming an outstanding coach The book addresses key issues such as: Creating the trust that encourages a client to learn Keeping yourself and your own agenda out of the way without diminishing your presence Managing your own anxiety, especially if you are inexperienced This practical and readable book is enlivened by many case studies to accompany the theory Based on many years’ experience of what coaches actually struggle with in practice, it is a must for the growing band of executive and life coaches, as well as managers who want to learn how to adapt coaching as an approach to leadership.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   ЯковISBN 0335213308.

Jimmy артикул 11650c.
Jimmy артикул 11650c.

This is a book filled with laughter, fun and curiosity for its readers It tells the story of Jimmy, his brothers and friends growing with the freedom to explore in Kalida, Ohio, a community comprised of people who participated together to improve the lives of everyone Family and friends make up the central theme They all knew each other so the sense оеыиж of support and confidence always prevailed This is a biographical look at a small town during the 1950's It shows how the residents of Ohio, Putnam County, and nearby areas lived The fun they shared playing at Big Bend and the stories about the church socials, Pioneer Days and the county fairs will make you laugh out loud The lives of these young boys will entertain you Family vacations filled with fishing, swimming and the make do rental cabins are comical This story portrays how one family lived their lives and how the community was the backdrop for Jimmy's innocent freedom.  Fina   Sabb   писа   Mirr2009 г Твердый переплет, 696 стр ISBN 1430311436.

Job One: Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs : Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs артикул 11652c.
Job One: Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs : Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs артикул 11652c.

Book DescriptionIn Job One, editors Peter Magolda and Jill Carnaghi place new professionals' stories center stage The book focuses on nine narratives written by new professionals about their introduction and transitions into Student Affairs work These stories document the joys and angst felt as new professionals prepare to transition from оеыий graduate school-to-work, search for their first Student Affairs position, assimilate campus norms, formulate a professional identity, satisfy supervisors' expectations, mediate cultural conflicts, and remain true to their personal and professional values.  With   Silv   Silv   Silv2004 г ISBN 0761827846.

Employer's Rights: Your Legal Handbook from Hiring to Termination and Everything in Between артикул 11654c.
Employer's Rights: Your Legal Handbook from Hiring to Termination and Everything in Between артикул 11654c.

Book DescriptionExplains discipline and termination procedures Identifies federal and state tax considerations Discusses wage attachments, assignments and garnishments Covers workers compensation laws and claim procedures Clarifies sex discrimination ambiguities Includes information regarding employee handbooks, evaluations оеыил and personnel files Explains employer liability to third parties Helps reduce the risk of lawsuits from employees.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVII2004 г ISBN 1572483652.

Sometimes I'm Bombaloo артикул 11656c.
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo артикул 11656c.

Художник: Yumi Heo Sometimes, Katie loses her temper She uses her feet and her fists instead of words When Katie is this mad, she's just not herself Sometimes, she's Bombaloo Being Bombaloo is scary But a little time-out and a lot of love calm Bombaloo down and help Katie feel like Katie again! Let the Scholastic Bookshelf be your guide through оеыио the whole range of your child's experiences - laugh with them, learn with them, read with them! Формат: 25,5 см x 20,5 см Автор Rachel Vail.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   Издательство: Scholastic, Inc , 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 0-439-66941-3 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.

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