Sometimes I'm Bombaloo артикул 11656c.
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo артикул 11656c.

Художник: Yumi Heo Sometimes, Katie loses her temper She uses her feet and her fists instead of words When Katie is this mad, she's just not herself Sometimes, she's Bombaloo Being Bombaloo is scary But a little time-out and a lot of love calm Bombaloo down and help Katie feel like Katie again! Let the Scholastic Bookshelf be your guide through оеыио the whole range of your child's experiences - laugh with them, learn with them, read with them! Формат: 25,5 см x 20,5 см Автор Rachel Vail.  Сборник повестейИздательство: Scholastic, Inc , 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 0-439-66941-3 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.